
Selasa, 22 April 2008

Call for Paper - ICTS 2008 (Surabaya, August 5th, 2008)


The 4th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS) 2008 is an international forum organized by Informatics Department, Faculty of Information Technology, SepuluhNopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya – Indonesia, in cooperation with Faculty of Engineering - Kumamoto University (Japan) and JICA PREDICT - ITS.

This event is a forum for computer science and information and communication technology communities to discuss and exchange information and knowledge in their areas of interest. It aims to promote activities in research, development, and application on computer science and information and communication technology.

The scope of ICTS 2008 encompasses but is not limited to:
- Formal Language and Automata
- Neural Network
- Numerical Methods and Its Analysis
- Image and Signal Processing
- Fuzzy Logics
- Software Engineering
- Multimedia and Mediamatics
- Wireless and Mobile Communication
- Data Mining
- Artificial Intelligence
- Genetic Algorithms
- Information System
- Formal Methods
- Knowledge Based System
- Smart System
- Computer Network
- Remote Sensing and GIS
- Mobile Computing
- Other areas relate to ICT

- Prof. L.J.M Rothkrantz (TU Delft, the Netherlands)
- Prof. Ryuei Nishii (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Prof. Virendra C. Bhavsar (University of New
Brunswick, Canada)

Deadline for full paper submission: June 6th, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 4th, 2008
Camera-ready full paper: July 18th, 2008
Main Conference: August 5th, 2008

Prospective authors are invited to submit a full paper for review using the electronic procedure (http://icts. id/paperinst. html). The paper should be written in English. It should not exceed 8 pages of A4 paper with 1” left-right margin, and use Times New Roman 10 point. The manuscript title header should include the names, institutions and (email) addresses of the authors, an abstract of up to
200 words, and keywords. The authors will receive formal invitation e-mail from the ICTS 2008 Organizing Committee. The final paper has to be prepared in LaTeX or Ms. Word according to the style provided by the organizer. Further information, e.g. full paper template, presentation procedure, accommodation, etc., is available at http://icts. id

International Indonesian
Accepted Paper US$ 200 Rp. 750.000,-
Additional paper US$ 100 Rp. 375.000,-
Participant - non student US$ 75 Rp. 200.000,
Participant - student US$ 50 Rp. 100.000,-

The prices include seminar kit, proceeding, lunch and snack.

- Bank Transfer
Please transfer the registration fee to:
Account Number: 49842191
Account Name: T Informatika ITS
Bank: BNI
Branch: Cabang Urip Sumoharjo, Surabaya, Indonesia

- ATM Transfer (for domestic applicants)
(ATM) Mandiri Account Number: 1400002031863
Account Name: Yudhi Purwananto
(ATM) BCA Account Number: 3891023926
Account Name: Yudhi Purwananto
(ATM) Niaga Account Number: 0330185602122
Account Name: Yudhi Purwananto

Please send the receipt to:
- Email: icts2008@if. or
- Facsimile: +62-31-5913804

We also arrange the after conference tour to Bromo, the most beautiful mountain in Indonesia (2 days, 1 night) on August 6th - 7th, 2008. Fee for all participants and authors is Rp 900.000 / US$ 100.

Prof. L.J.M Rothkrantz (TU Delft, the Netherlands)
Prof. Ryuei Nishii (Kyushu University, Japan)
Prof. Virendra C. Bhavsar (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Prof. Tomonori Aoyama (Keio University, Japan)
Prof. Benyamin Kusumoputro (UI, Indonesia)
Prof. Abdul Hanan Abdullah (UTM, Malaysia)
Prof. Akira Asano (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Prof. Supeno Djanali, (ITS, Indonesia)
Prof. Riyanarto Sarno (ITS, Indonesia)
Prof. Handayani Tjandrasa (ITS, Indonesia)
Prof. Mauridhi Hery Purnomo (ITS, Indonesia)
Prof. Arif Djunaidy (ITS, Indonesia)
Dr. Oerip S. Santoso (ITB, Indonesia)
Dr. Joko Lianto Buliali (ITS, Indonesia)
Dr. Retantyo Wardoyo (UGM, Indonesia)
Dr. Riri Fitri Sari Sambowo (UI, Indonesia)
Dr. Kridanto Surendro (ITB, Indonesia)
Dr. Zainal A Hasibuan (UI, Indonesia)
Dr. Agus Zainal (ITS, Surabaya)
Archi Delphinanto, P.D.Eng. (TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Siska Fitriana, MSc. P.D.Eng. (TU Delft, the Netherlands)
R.V. Hari Ginardi M.Sc. (TU Vienna, Austria)
Marco J Patrick, M.Sc. (Portugal)
Esther Hanaya, M.Sc. (ITS, Indonesia)
F.X. Arunanto, M.Sc.(ITS, Indonesia)
M. Husni, M.Kom (ITS, Indonesia)
Yudhi Purwananto, M.Kom (ITS, Indonesia)
Daniel Siahaan, M.Sc., P.D.Eng. (ITS, Indonesia)
Siti Rochimah, M.T (UTM, Malaysia)
Nanik Suciati, M.Kom (Hiroshima University, Japan)
MM Irfan Subakti, M.Sc.Eng. (NCTU, Taiwan)
Waskitho Wibisono, M.Eng (Monash University, Australia)

Tohari Ahmad, MIT

Henning TC, S.Kom

Secretariat of ICTS 2008
Informatics Department
Faculty of Information Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
Gedung Teknik Informatika Lt. 2
Jalan Raya ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Phone: +62-81-553215858, +62-31-5939214
Fax: +62-31-5913804
Email: icts2008@if.
Homepage: http://icts. id
Contact person: Henning, Tohari

Rapihkan Kabel Kusut dengan Roll Tissue

Lagi Googling, cari bahan thesis sambil refreshing baca berita, eh ga sengaja ketemu tips yang hampir lupa ternyata aku butuhin waktu aku beres-beres kamar kost yang sempit. tepatnya kamarku bermasalah dengan banyakya kabel-kabel yang semrawut. padahal aku dah coba selalu merapikannya. tapi tetep aja kalo kerjanya dah pindah-pindah kabelnya ikut ketarik-tarik. sampe temen kost bilang "Ih,, kamar ini penuh dengan kabel ya..?!".
nah ini dia sedikit tips yang aku temukan dari untuk memperindah disela-sela kesemrawutan hihi....
Tak perlu pusing, atasi dengan roll bekas dari tissue gulung Anda. Bebas biaya dan mudah.
Untuk mendekorasi rumah, tak selalu harus menggunakan barang-barang baru. Jika kita perhatikan, banyak sampah rumah tangga yang dapat didaur ulang dan dijadikan dekorasi rumah.
Untuk mengatasi kabel-kabel yang kusut dan berantakan misalnya. Anda hanya perlu menyiapkan roll bekas tissue gulung serta beberapa lembar koran bekas. Untuk membuatnya ikuti langkah berikut.

1. Siapkan alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan, Gunting, double tape, roll bekas tisssue gulung dan potongan koran bekas.

2. Potong koran bekas dan tutupi seluruh permukaan roll tissue dengan koran tersebut. Rekatkan dengan double tape.

3. Potong-potong sisa kertas di bagian atas dan bawah roll dengan jarak sekitar 1 cm. Kemudian lipat kearah dalam, rekatkan dengan double tape.

4. Kini Anda bisa membuat rumah lebih rapih dan bebas dari kabel yang berantakan dan kusut.

Senin, 21 April 2008

3 Keys to Meeting Women

Here are the three simple steps to communicating with a woman:
Step 1: Observe What She Is Doing. Take the example of a woman standing behind you in line at the supermarket unloading her groceries. What is she putting on the conveyor belt? If she's behind you in line at Starbucks, what is she ordering? What is she eating?
Notice everything she's doing. Let the environment give you something to say.
“Most guys think of something to say that's so random it makes absolutely no sense in a woman's mind.”
Most guys think of something to say that's so random it makes absolutely no sense in a woman's mind. Women actually make fun of these guys and say, "You won't believe what he actually came over and said to me."
Step 2: Act on the Observation. In order to properly act upon the observation, you need to open her up and evoke a feeling. For instance, if a woman is ordering a double espresso, the thing to talk about is usually the first thing that comes to your mind.
A typical guy might say, "Do you like coffee?" which leads to a yes or no answer. A man who is 100 percent present will look at her and say, "Rough night last night?" or "Busy day ahead?" What you're trying to do is stay inside her head and remain in her current thought process.
It's much easier to have a conversation based upon things she's already experiencing. A woman will share something that's already going on in her head.
Another example: you're standing at a bar and see a woman ferociously texting someone while standing there by herself. You can walk over and make an assumption like "Is your friend late?" This will in turn open up a conversation based upon feelings and emotions.
“Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally.”
Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally. They don't want to bond with you randomly. This leads us to Step 3.
Step 3: Listen to What She Has to Say. In order to have good conversation and bond with a woman, you need to listen to what she says. If you listen to her, you will know what to say next. It's called a conversation for a reason.
A lot of men always think about what to say next, or they have a script in their head about what to say next. That's not a conversation -- that's a bad screenplay.
For example, I was standing with a couple of clients on a corner in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There was a woman standing there by herself with a suitcase, obviously waiting for someone to pick her up for a weekend getaway. So what did these two guys do? They observed and they asked her:
# Guys: "So where are you going?"
# Girl: "New Jersey."
Immediately one of them says, "New Jersey? I'm from Tampa."
“That's not a conversation. That is a guy changing the subject to talk about himself. He doesn't care about her right off the bat.”
That's not a conversation. That is a guy changing the subject to talk about himself. He doesn't care about her right off the bat. The correct thing to say in this situation is this:
# Guy: "Where in Jersey are you going?"
# Girl: "The shore for the weekend."
Now, in turn, the two guys can keep her present in her head about the weekend and ask her about her trip.
# Guys: "Which beach?" or "Wow, how long are you staying there?"
If they listen and stop thinking about how to amuse her by telling her they're from Tampa, they'll actually connect with her and have a conversation about the shore, vacations -- and who knows where the conversation might go.
Men complicate things for no reason. There are no magic lines that you can say, but in reality if men just talked to women like they talk to their closest friends, they would have amazing conversations. Men just need to relax and listen to what women are saying.
Do this and you're going to have great conversations. It's that simple! Get out of the house, observe, react and listen!

3 Keys to Meeting Women

Here are the three simple steps to communicating with a woman:
Step 1: Observe What She Is Doing. Take the example of a woman standing behind you in line at the supermarket unloading her groceries. What is she putting on the conveyor belt? If she's behind you in line at Starbucks, what is she ordering? What is she eating?
Notice everything she's doing. Let the environment give you something to say.
“Most guys think of something to say that's so random it makes absolutely no sense in a woman's mind.”
Most guys think of something to say that's so random it makes absolutely no sense in a woman's mind. Women actually make fun of these guys and say, "You won't believe what he actually came over and said to me."
Step 2: Act on the Observation. In order to properly act upon the observation, you need to open her up and evoke a feeling. For instance, if a woman is ordering a double espresso, the thing to talk about is usually the first thing that comes to your mind.
A typical guy might say, "Do you like coffee?" which leads to a yes or no answer. A man who is 100 percent present will look at her and say, "Rough night last night?" or "Busy day ahead?" What you're trying to do is stay inside her head and remain in her current thought process.
It's much easier to have a conversation based upon things she's already experiencing. A woman will share something that's already going on in her head.
Another example: you're standing at a bar and see a woman ferociously texting someone while standing there by herself. You can walk over and make an assumption like "Is your friend late?" This will in turn open up a conversation based upon feelings and emotions.
“Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally.”
Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally. They don't want to bond with you randomly. This leads us to Step 3.
Step 3: Listen to What She Has to Say. In order to have good conversation and bond with a woman, you need to listen to what she says. If you listen to her, you will know what to say next. It's called a conversation for a reason.
A lot of men always think about what to say next, or they have a script in their head about what to say next. That's not a conversation -- that's a bad screenplay.
For example, I was standing with a couple of clients on a corner in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There was a woman standing there by herself with a suitcase, obviously waiting for someone to pick her up for a weekend getaway. So what did these two guys do? They observed and they asked her:
# Guys: "So where are you going?"
# Girl: "New Jersey."
Immediately one of them says, "New Jersey? I'm from Tampa."
“That's not a conversation. That is a guy changing the subject to talk about himself. He doesn't care about her right off the bat.”
That's not a conversation. That is a guy changing the subject to talk about himself. He doesn't care about her right off the bat. The correct thing to say in this situation is this:
# Guy: "Where in Jersey are you going?"
# Girl: "The shore for the weekend."
Now, in turn, the two guys can keep her present in her head about the weekend and ask her about her trip.
# Guys: "Which beach?" or "Wow, how long are you staying there?"
If they listen and stop thinking about how to amuse her by telling her they're from Tampa, they'll actually connect with her and have a conversation about the shore, vacations -- and who knows where the conversation might go.
Men complicate things for no reason. There are no magic lines that you can say, but in reality if men just talked to women like they talk to their closest friends, they would have amazing conversations. Men just need to relax and listen to what women are saying.
Do this and you're going to have great conversations. It's that simple! Get out of the house, observe, react and listen!

10 Tips for Approaching Women

For my friend in Jember

What do you do when you see a woman you are attracted to? Do you run and hide? Do you use some canned line that you read on the Internet? Do you stand there in fear trying to think of the right thing to say? What is the right thing to do?
When approaching a woman, most guys make the mistake of thinking too much about what to say. They believe there's one magic line that will work in all situations. They rehearse this magic line, and when they deliver it, they hope the woman will become instantly attracted to them.
Unfortunately, rarely does this approach work -- because most of what you say is irrelevant. To catch a woman's attention, it is all about the confidence you display when approaching her.
Here are 10 surefire ways to intrigue her every time:
1. Observe something. Make a comment about something you observe in the environment. This is especially effective at the grocery store. For example, if she is ordering a turkey sandwich, ask her if the turkey is good here.
“Make your comment immediate to the situation”
Make your comment immediate to the situation and it will seem perfectly natural. No matter where you are, there is always something interesting to comment on.
2. Smile. This shows her that you are friendly and confident. A genuine smile not only feels good to you, but will put her at ease while creating openness in the interaction -- a requirement for building rapport.
3. Do not hesitate. If you hesitate in your approach, this tells her that you are not feeling confident -- an immediate turn-off. When you see her, walk over to her within a short period of time (the three-second rule). Show her you are a man who knows what he wants and goes after it.
4. Positive body language. If you approach hunched over with your head down, you are sending negative information about yourself, which makes you dead in the water before you begin. Stand up straight, with shoulders back and chest out, and use a firm yet relaxed walk.
5. Not too fast. If you walk over too fast, you could likely trigger her internal alarm. A calm, casual approach is usually the best way to make her feel at ease with you.
6. Keep eye contact. Never be the first to break eye contact when you approach. If you do, this sends the message that you are not feeling good about approaching. When you use strong eye contact, she will feel more drawn to you. With practice, you can master this.
7. Listen up. Make sure you pay careful attention to what she says. Do not have your response pre-thought out. Women love a man who pays attention to the details of what she says. If you start throwing out random words, she will lose interest fast.
8. Do not fidget. Fidgeting after you approach is distracting and shows you are uncomfortable. If you communicate that you are uncomfortable, she will feel uncomfortable, too, and will close up. Practice being aware of your movements. Pay attention to those movements, or lack of movements, that communicate comfort and confidence.
9. Lighten your tone of voice. The tone of your voice is a very powerful tool. Approaching her in a light and playful tone is one of the best ways to start. You could also begin in a serious tone, accusing her of something like "
“I hope you saved some turkey for me”
I hope you saved some turkey for me," followed by a quick smile to let her know you are joking. Practice playing with your vocal tone with your friends -- notice the different reactions you get when you say the exact same thing using varied tones and fluctuations.
10. Lean away from her. A man who leans in too far when he talks often makes a woman feel crowded. A better approach is to lean away from her slightly. This lets her know that you respect her space, boundaries, and are comfortable with yourself.
The key to making these tips work for you is putting them into practice! Practice these tips and see the reaction you get. When you put them all together, you will be surprised at their power.

10 Signs You're Being Needy

Below are ten signs that you are being needy. Remember you are trying to attract women, not turn them off. So if you suffer from any of these signs of neediness, you need to immediately stop those actions.
1. You just walked a woman to her door at the end of a date. Instead of kissing her, you ask her if she had a good time. Women are attracted to confident men. They don't want to have to tell you that they had a good time on a date... they want you to be secure enough in yourself to assume that they had a good time.
2. You called a woman last night and she has not yet called you back, so you either email her or call her again to ask her if she received your message. If you want to push her away, this is one of the best ways to get her to quickly run away from you.
3. You start texting a woman you just began dating five or six times a day. You are over-texting her. You don't need to check in every two hours. That's a sign of neediness and clingy behavior that turns women off.
4. You miss a call on your cell phone from a phone number that you don't recognize. You call the woman you're dating, and to whom you talked just two hours before, and ask, "Did you just call me?" This kind of behavior is going to push and scare her away.
5. You agree with everything the woman you're dating says. Women are not looking for a man who agrees with everything they say. Women want a man who challenges them and from whom they can learn. When a man agrees with everything a woman says, he is telling her that he'll do anything to have a relationship (which is another sign of being needy).
6. The woman you're dating is out for the evening with her friends. She promised to call you when she got home. It's getting late and you haven't heard from her. You just can't resist and you call her cell phone several times until she answers it. This is a sign of being needy and insecure. She's out with her friends... not out with another guy. Let her have some personal space and she'll respect you more.
7. You are too available. If you have plans with a friend, keep those plans even if the woman you're dating asks you to do something that night. Women don't want men who are like a 7-Eleven -- convenient and ready 24/7.
8. You try to please a woman all the time. I'm all about men doing nice things for women, but she has to earn it. Some men will let a woman walk all over them, and then continue to be a sponge and allow it over and over again. Stand up for yourself and she'll respect you more. Letting a woman walk all over you is a clear sign to her that you're needy.
9. Don't be afraid to challenge a woman. If you don't agree with something a woman says, don't just sit there and agree with her thinking it's what she wants. Women are looking for someone who is going to stimulate their mind... not bore them. Women are not turned on by men they can completely control.
10. Be the man! Have a plan and stick with it. Women like men who plan out evenings of fun.
“Don't always ask a woman what she wants to do. Listen to what she likes when you're having conversations with her”
Don't always ask a woman what she wants to do. Listen to what she likes when you're having conversations with her, then come up with a fun plan that you will already know she'll like. A needy man will do whatever a woman wants. A man of action will create plans for what they will do. Being a man of action will lead her to find you a lot more attractive in the long run.
Women are attracted to men who are confident and real. Women want to feel like you need them... but only after you already have your own life, your own ambitions, and your own goals.
The moment a man starts getting too clingy, a woman will run for the hills. This is exactly like how you will pull back from a woman who becomes clingy and needy.

Minggu, 20 April 2008

How to Start Your IT Bussiness

How To Start Your IT Bussiness???

apakah itu pertanyaan anda?? melalui halaman ini saya ingin membagi-bagi info yang baru saya dapatkan dari Seminat IT Bussiness for the Future pada tanggal 19 April 2008 di kampus ITB. dengan pembicara ada Bpk Izmir (alumni IF-ITB yang udah punya 2 perusahaan IT), Bpk. Windy (dosen ITB sekaligus ahli e-commerce yang berhasil), Bpk. Susanto (consultan enterpreneurship) dan Bpk. Cahyana (Dirjen Depkominfo RI). sangat menarik dan bermanfaat seminar itu, makanya saya ikutan walau lagi krisis kantong.

inti dari Bpk. Izmir kalo kita ingin membangun bisnis di dunia IT, kita harus memperhatikan 3 hal PENTING:

dalam pioneer disini maksdnya adalah ada seorang yang akan mempunyai visi&misi serta tau kemana arah bisnis ini akan dicapai
dalam Product, kita harus memperhatikan produk apa yang akan kita jual, jangan lupa produk yang kita jual HARUS mempunyai KEUNGGULAN, kelebihan dan KEUNIKAN agar kita dapat eksis dan bersaing.
dalam People, kita disarankan agar tidak bekerja sendiri, menurut saya sebagai awalan mungkin boleh sendiri(bila memungkinkan), tapi janngan terlena dengan keberhasilan pribadi karena anda akan terlibas dengan mereka yang bekerja tim. Buatlah TEAM WORK untuk efisiensi kerja. tapi jangan sampai karena anda membangun bisnis anda bersama-sama, kemudian selamanya bersifat gerombolan, itu tidak mencerminkan perusahaan yang baik. harus ada LEADERSHIP di dalamnya.

ok, sementara itu dulu. bersambung loh....